Snapshot 3: Streamlining Performance and Growth with the GGG Method

Welcome back to the Business Builder newsletter! In this issue, we're going to discuss the "Get, Give, and Grow" (GGG) method – a powerful quarterly approach to enhancing team performance and nurturing growth. This practice has proven to be highly effective in my company and can be an excellent alternative to traditional performance appraisals.

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

Boost Team Performance with the GGG Method: Get, Give, and Grow

The GGG method is a concept I first learned about from my coach five years ago, who developed it during his time as a Gartner VP. This method is suitable for SMEs and companies that value organizational agility, as it streamlines the performance appraisal process.

For an in-depth understanding of the GGG method, there's an elaborate paper available for $1.5K. However, I'll share how I apply it in my company here, as it has been an integral part of our growth journey.

The GGG method consists of three parts:

  1. Get: The team member communicates their needs to their manager, who asks questions to better understand the requirements.

  2. Give: The team member discusses what they will provide in return for the support they've requested.

  3. Grow: The manager and team member collaborate on a growth plan based on the "gets" and "gives."

To enhance the effectiveness of the GGG method, I've adapted it as follows:

  1. Brief the team about the GGG process in a meeting, and consider recording a video to use for onboarding new team members.

  2. Schedule GGG sessions with key and new team members (beyond one month of their joining).

  3. Conduct two separate 30-minute sessions for each team member: a. In the first session, the team member shares their "get," "give," and growth perspectives, while the manager takes notes and asks clarification questions. b. In the second session, after at least a week of reflection and seeking upper management input, the manager shares their validation and feedback on the team member's "get," "give," and growth plans.

To assist new managers with the GGG process, we have developed a checklist and questionnaire to guide them. As a special offer, we're providing a pre-order of this valuable resource for $99, with an early bird discount price of $49. The guide will be ready by May 15th. Just reply for next steps.

Stay tuned for more insights and valuable resources in future issues of the Business Builder newsletter. By implementing the GGG method in your organization, you can foster a culture of growth and collaboration that leads to lasting success.

I will continue sharing in the upcoming issues.

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- Luqman