Embarking on the 90-Day Habit Challenge: A Journey into EOS Practices

Welcome back to my Business Building series. This year, I've decided to undertake a new experiment - I'm going to try implementing most of the simplest system I've been preaching about, and I'll be adopting and documenting new habits every 90 days. I was previously adopting other systems that are more complex.

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

2023 Experiment: Applying the EOS

This issue's focus is the inaugural habit, which involves creating a roadmap for the rituals and practices that are inherent in the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) we've previously discussed. I've written about many of these in past issues, and you may already be implementing some in your businesses. However, I believe there's room for modification and adjustment to better align these practices with our unique entrepreneurial journeys.

In addition to these existing practices, I'll also be exploring new rituals that we haven't yet implemented. I started with the practices that were already in place and resonated with our objectives, the ones I'd discussed earlier. Now, I'm moving into putting people in the right seats - a critical aspect of business success.

In our upcoming issues, I'll delve into this topic further. But for now, let me share why I'm resuming this newsletter after my brief hiatus.

Refresher: Previously we introduced the EOS Method, a business coaching method developed by Gino Wickman. This method is based on principles of simplification and streamlining to enhance efficiency and profitability. It integrates all aspects of a business, helps create a clear vision, builds a robust team, and establishes core values and beliefs.

The EOS Method uses the Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO) tool, a straightforward yet effective way to develop a clear vision for your company and track progress towards it. This tool creates a one-page document that outlines your company's vision, values, mission, five-year goals, and three-year objectives.

EOS is simple enough to be used by startups with small teams but is flexible enough to meet the challenges and demands of more established businesses. It comes with a comprehensive library of resources, including books, videos, and online training programs.

In essence, my new experiment for 2023 is to continually build on the practices and tools we've discussed so far, to adapt them where necessary, and to introduce new ones where gaps exist. It's an exciting journey, and I'm thrilled to bring you along.

Stay tuned for the upcoming issue where we dive into the practice of putting people in the right roles. Until then, keep building your business and don't hesitate to hit reply if you have any questions or thoughts you'd like to share.

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If you want to learn more about building a successful business, be sure to check out my free ebook on the topic, available now on my website: luqmanshantal.com

Hit reply and let me know!

- Luqman