5 Books to battle stagnation and scale your business.

A 3 Minutes brief about the top 5 business scaling books that I read for you.

10 issues, 100 subscribers and 1000 Followers!

Welcome to my new 100 subscribers! Many of you came via the thread above.

In this special issue, I'm going to give you some extra nuggets about the 5 books and a background about me and why I wrote this thread.

I appreciate you all, and I will do my best to share my exclusive knowledge through this newsletter.

It was not an overnight hit. Instead, a direct result of consistency over the last couple of months on Twitter and the 15+ years of business building practice preceding it.

Let's go back to our thread.

Book 1: The eMyth

This is the 101 for any person thinking about starting a business or even being in a business.

The name comes from the entrepreneurial myth or seizure that Michael Gerber alludes to.

If you used to work "in" a business, that does not mean you know how to work "on" one.

Starting a new business needs the later skill.

Gerber distinguishes between the:

  • Technician responsible for output.

  • Manager responsible for system.

  • Leader responsible for vision.

A technician is doomed to fail as a founder, his DNA needs to have at least 33% of a manager and 34% of a leader to succeed.

The book revolves around this idea and dedicates a chapter for each of the 7 systems for scaling businesses.

I love it, and I read it in different languages.

Book 2: Build a business not a Job

This book is the 102 in the series. Finkel simplifies the pillars from 7 to 5:

  1. Leadership

  2. Finance

  3. Sales and marketing

  4. Operations

  5. Team

David puts it simply: At different levels in your journey, you need to focus on different things.

Level 1: Or start-up, You validate the business model and acquire early customers.

Level 2 is 3 stages.

Stage A: You extract the ideas on how you run the company out of your mind by dedicating an hour per day or a day per week to document this via loom videos or in writing, so that you become ready for the next stage.

Stage B: Offloading 2-3 Functions to other leaders, e.g. Finance, Operations and HR, so that you focus on the rest.

Stage C: You would have delegated the 4 pillars of the business to other leaders, retaining your CEO position.

Level 3: Your exit strategy, either by scaling the business from e.g. 10M to 100M to 1B and beyond. Or by running it passively, letting go of your CEO position or by selling the business.

He also goes extreme on the concept of Pareto, by identifying the 20% of the 20% of the 20% of activities, which is the 1% that will give 50% impact.

Many cool articles on Inc, this is one:

A tiny fraction of your highest-value work produces half of all your results.

Book 3: Scaling UP

The most current book, not only full of stories, it adds How-to knowledge on top of that.

Verne team have open sourced their templates and translated them to many languages.

I would love to see them added to Mural and Miro and integrated into SaaS apps.

Most unicorn CEOs are directly or indirectly quoting from this book.

Top tier business coaches are often certified by the company behind the book.

One unique takeaway from the book is that you do not need Job descriptions and an org chart when your company is less than 50 employees. The book lists the alternatives.

Book 4: The Effective Executive

This book is gold! Written by the father of modern management.

It mentions tactical techniques such as day theming and time boxing that only effective executives handle well.

I try to read it once every year. Every time I come with new insights.

Not easy to digest for Novices, that is why I'm putting it later in the series.

Book 5: Built to last

You may have noticed that Jim Collins did the foreword of the previous book by Peter Drucker.

Collins books are a must-read. Backed by heavy research and experience, not only this, he comes with the Vision Framework and the Mars trip, which is used by successful companies worldwide.

Retweet the tweet below and get your copy of that Framework for free.

Got more book recommendations?

Reply to this email or the original thread.

I'm preparing a follow-up thread to list the recommendations that came in response to my thread and this issue.

Background - 6000 pages preceded 1000 Hrs

I built my reading habit since I was 5 years old. I once finished up to 400 pages in one night.

As I grew older, I developed a passion for business dynamics and how companies work.

During the past 15 years I worked on many roles in a Fortune 500 company with a goal to experience every corner of businesses.

I left it in 2015 to start my service business which won 2 global wards last year competing with Fortune 100 firms.

Since 2020, I spent more than 1000 hours coaching business owners on how to scale their businesses.

Before starting this practice, I realized the value to build the program on my experience and expertise and the best experts worldwide.

I started a blitz reading business scaling books in 2017.

When I crossed the 6000 pages barrier, I decided to start my business coaching practice.

That's all for this issue!

How can I improve the Business Builder?

Hit reply and let me know!

- Luqman