12 Essential systems to help you scale from $1M to $100M

1 link, 1 thought, and 1 tweet.

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1 Link To Make you Act

Over the last four years, the need for end-to-end processes has become pervasive. To further emphasize the drive to end-to-end, our need to holistically view how work gets accomplished was reinforced by the events of 2020. And the pre-built, end-to-end processes in technologies like ERPs continue to ensure end-to-end process work remains a top priority for BPM teams.

1 Thought - Bad system fails good people

I wrote about how app sumo used OKRs in the last issues.

One important OKR is to build company systems, these systems can be classified into 12, and each with certain metrics, once established becoming business as usual, then we can move them from advancement OKRs into business as usual KPIs.

In the thread below, I highlight the importance of End-to-End business flows, my journey and what are they.

1 Tweet - 12 end-to-end processes

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- Luqman